Bag of Flow-K Potassium Bicarbonate

Flow K™ Potassium Bicarbonate

A sodium reduction solution with added health benefits.

ARM & HAMMER™ Flow K™ Potassium Bicarbonate offers professional bakers a versatile ingredient to reduce sodium levels in baked goods and effervescent products, while providing valuable potassium with its recognized health benefits.

ARM & HAMMER™ Flow K™ Potassium Bicarbonate serves as an excellent alternative to sodium bicarbonate, enabling bakers to achieve desired sodium reduction targets. By utilizing Flow K, bakers can effectively lower the sodium content in their baked goods without compromising on taste or quality. This innovative solution opens up opportunities to cater to health-conscious consumers who are seeking lower-sodium options.

Health Benefits of Potassium: Incorporating Flow K™ into formulations not only reduces sodium levels but also introduces valuable potassium. Potassium is widely recognized for its health benefits. By utilizing Flow K, formulators can contribute to the overall nutritional value of their products, aligning with the growing demand for healthier food choices.

ARM & HAMMER™ Flow K™ Potassium Bicarbonate incorporates Magnesium Oxide as a flow aid, making it easy to handle during the baking process. The inclusion of this ingredient ensures smooth and consistent flow, enhancing efficiency and reducing the risk of clumping or uneven distribution.

Contact us for a comprehensive review of your projects and to request a sample of ARM & HAMMER™ Flow K™ Potassium Bicarbonate. Our team of experts is dedicated to supporting your sodium reduction goals and assisting in the development of healthier, high-quality baked goods and effervescent products.

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